Aussichtsturm Pyramidenkogel
Keutschach am See, Kärnten
Pyramidenkogel – der weltweit höchste Holzaussichtsturm mit dem schönsten Panorama Kärntens
Preunegg Ursprungalp/Heidi Alp
The Ursprungalp is also called „Heidi Alp“ because of the Movie “Heidi” which was filmed back in 1988 exactly on this Alp! Some presentation boards remind You of this. On the Loop Road we can find great Stories about the Alp.
Adventurepath Mariatrost/Basilica Mariatrost
Visiting the Basilica Mariatrost.
Talschluss Innergschlöss
Matrei in Osttirol, Osttirol
This is a hiking path where you can decide which Way you will take.
Tauplitzalp/ 3 Lakehiking Tauplitzlake/Steirerlake/ Schwarzenlake
A hiking path where you will pass three Lakes and during a Whole Day you will see a lot of nice Views.
Deutschfeistritz/Museum Sensenwerk
You can visit the Museum Sensenwerk with some helping hands.
Tauplitzalp/ 3 Lakehiking Krallerlake/ Großlake/ Märchenlake
A Hiking path for which You will need a Whole Day and pass Three wonderful Lakes and enjoy the View.
Eisbach/Zisterzienserstift Rein/Kräuterweg im Stiftswald
Ein halbtägiger Wanderweg mit nur leichten Steigungen.
Leutschach/Remschnigg Alp
A Path for which You will need a Whole Day. But the Hiking path can be used even by Electronical-Wheelchair-Users.
Thal/Thalerlake Looproad
Thal, Steiermark
A hiking trail which is accessible even for Electronical Wheelchair-Users.